What is Face Reading
The typical response to a face reading is: "That's incredible." "How did you do that?" "Are you psychic?" Most people will overlook the obvious answer: "It is written on your face."
We all understand the importance of facial expression in
communication. We know the meaning of a smile or a frown,
but few realize that a face is a living record and personality
profile rolled into one. Each face reflects in its structure and
lines its owner's personal history, mental attitudes, character
traits, intimacy requirements, work ethic, personal
preferences, and much more.
A face can be read like a map that points the way to a deeper
understanding of yourself and of every person you meet. And
just like a map, this information is available to anyone who can
read it. Learning to read this map is a lot like learning a new
language, but fortunately it's a language that we already know.
Even as infants, we begin life by learning to recognize and respond to faces. Our earliest emotional responses and reactions are developed by watching the facial expressions of those near us.
Face reading is an inherent part of our nature. Before there was a spoken language, groups of early humans had to rely on non-verbal communication. For primitive man, survival depended on the ability to read the meaning in the faces, gestures, and body language of his fellow man. Today we still read faces even if it is just to recognize each other, and most of us also have an immediate impression of each person we meet.
Certainly we identify each other by our faces, but most of us don't have an in depth understanding of what else we are seeing. While we may have an instinctive feeling about each person we meet, we often tend to discount what we feel because we have no proof that our instincts are accurate. Face reading gives you a vocabulary to quickly and accurately verify your feelings and intuitions.
As humans we are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual beings. Each of those aspects affects the others. How we think and feel affects the appearance of our face. For example, if you place yourself in a situation requiring intense and long-term mental focus, it will often affect you emotionally. Your response will also be reflected physically in your face, most often by vertical lines that will appear between your eyebrows.
Even more amazing is the fact that our faces are also shaped by our environment. While it is true that our faces reflect our inner character, it is also true that our sense of self-identity often depends on the feedback of those around us. For example, if we are never told we are beautiful, it will be difficult for us to feel beautiful. Since feelings are one of those aspects of being that affects the physical appearance of our face, over time this attitude will be etched in the lines on our face. A close attorney friend of mine was shocked to hear this. She said, "Do you mean that if I am in an environment where everyone responds to me negatively and then I change environments where the new groups of people responded to me differently that my face would change appearance?" The answer is, "Yes, absolutely." If you don't like the way you look, rather than considering plastic surgery perhaps a more effective solution would be to change your environment.
In face reading, everything counts. We already know that each feature on our face has a structural significance: eyes are for sight, noses are for breathing and ears are for listening. But we may not realize that each feature also reveals an insight into a person's personality. From a face reading perspective, eyes indicate wariness, noses are about support, and ears reveal independence. Every feature and every line on a face is a physical embodiment of the mental, emotional and spiritual patterns and habits of its owner. Your face is a visual metaphor of your life.
Excerpt from Amazing Face Reading by Mac Fulfer

We begin life by learning to recognize and respond to faces.